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Adamson University

Bachelor of Science in Architecture

2007 Curriculum

First year
First semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
TH 111C Jesus Fullness and Divine Revelation (3) None
MH 111B College Algebra 3 None
MH 112 Plane Trigonometry 3 None
EN 111B English 1 3 None
PI 111 Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan 3 None
DS 111 Architectural Design 1 Lecture

(Introduction to Design Lecture)

1 None
DS 111L Architectural Design 1 Laboratory

(Introduction to Design 1 Laboratory)

1 None
GR 111B Architectural Visual Communication 1 Lecture

(Graphics 1 Lecture)

1 None
GR 111BL Architectural Visual Communication 1 Laboratory

(Graphics 1 Laboratory)

2 None
VT 111D Architectural Visual Communication 2 Lecture

(Visual Techniques 1 Lecture)

1 None
VT 111DL Architectural Visual Communication 2 Laboratory

(Visual Techniques 1 Laboratory)

1 None
AR 111 Theory of Architecture 1 2 None
PE 111 Physical Education 1 2 None
NSTP1 National Service Training Program 1 (3) None
Total 26(3)
First year
Second semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
TH 121C Moral Theology with Social Teaching (3) TH 111C
EN 121B English 2 3 EN 111B
PI 211 Panitikang Pilipino 3 PI 111
MH 211C Analytic Geometry 2 MH 111; MH 112
MH 128 Solid Mensuration 2 MH 111; MH 112
PC 215A Physics 1 Lecture

(Mechanics, Heat and Sound Lecture)

2 MH 111; MH 112
PC 215AL Physics 1 Laboratory

(Mechanics, Heat and Sound Laboratory)

1 MH 111; MH 112
DS 122 Architectural Design 2 Lecture

(Creative Design Fundamentals Lecture)

1 DS 111; DS 111L; AR 111; GR 111B; GR 111BL
DS 122L Architectural Design 2 Laboratory

(Creative Design Fundamentals Laboratory)

1 DS 111; DS 111L; AR 111; GR 111B; GR 111BL
GR 122 Architectural Visual Communications 3 Lecture

(Graphics 2 Lecture)

1 GR 111B; GR 111BL
GR 122L Architectural Visual Communications 3 Laboratory

(Graphics 2 Laboratory)

2 GR 111B; GR 111BL
VT 122 Architectural Visual Communications 4 Lecture

(Visual Techniques 2 Lecture)

1 VT 111D; VT 111DL
VT 122L Architectural Visual Communications 4 Laboratory

(Visual Techniques 2 Laboratory)

1 VT 111D; VT 111DL
AR 121 Theory of Architecture 2 3 AR 111
PE 121 Physical Education 2 2 PE 111
Total 28(3)

Second year
First semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
TH 221C Vincentian Studies (3) TH 121C
MH 227A Differential and Integral Calculus 3 MH 211C; MH 128
PC 225A Physics 2 Lecture

(Magnetism, Electricity, Light and Optics Lecture)

2 PC 215A; PC 215AL
PC 225AL Physics 2 Laboratory

(Magnetism, Electricity, Light and Optics Laboratory)

1 PC 215A; PC 215AL
NS 222 Science, Environment and Society 3 None
DS 213 Architectural Design 3 Lecture

(Creative Design in Architectural Interior Lecture)

1 AR 121; DS 122; DS 122L; GR 122; GR 122L
DS 213L Architectural Design 3 Laboratory

(Creative Design in Architectural Interior Laboratory)

2 AR 121; DS 122; DS 122L; GR 122; GR 122L
BT 211 Building Technology 1

(Building Materials)

3 VT 122; VT 122L; DS 122; DS 122L; GR 122; GR 122L
VT 213A Architectural Visual Communications 5 Lecture

(Visual Techniques 3 Lecture)

1 VT 122; VT 122L
VT 213AL Architectural Visual Communications 5 Laboratory

(Visual Techniques 3 Laboratory)

1 VT 122; VT 122L
AT 211 History of Architecture 1 3 VT 122; VT 122L; AR 121; DS 122; DS 122L; GR 122; GR 122L
DS 413B Architectural Interiors Lecture 2 AR 121
DS 413BL Architectural Interiors Laboratory 1 AR 121
PE 211 Physical Education 3 2 PE 121
Total 25(3)
Second year
Second semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
TH 211C Church and Sacraments (3) TH 121C
MC 310 Statics of Rigid Bodies 3 PC 215A; PC 215AL
CE 213 Surveying Lecture 2 MH 111; MH 112
CE 213L Surveying Laboratory 1 MH 111; MH 112
PY 211 General Psychology 3 None
DS 224 Architectural Design 4 Lecture

(Space Planning 1 Lecture)

1 DS 213; DS 213L; VT 213A; VT 213AL
DS 224L Architectural Design 4 Laboratory

(Space Planning 1 Laboratory)

2 DS 213; DS 213L; VT 213A; VT 213AL
BT 222A Building Technology 2 Lecture

(Construction Drawing in Wood, Steel and Concrete 1 Lecture)

2 BT 211
BT 222AL Building Technology 2 Laboratory

(Construction Drawing in Wood, Steel and Concrete 1 Laboratory)

1 BT 211
BU 221 Building Utilities 1

(Plumbing and Sanitary Systems)

3 VT 122; VT 122L; AR 121; DS 122; DS 122L; GR 122; GR 122L; MH 211C; MH 128
AT 222 History of Architecture 2 3 AT 211
DS 222B Tropical Design 3 PC 225A; PC 225AL
PE 221 Physical Education 4 2 PE 211
Total 26(3)

Third year
First semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
MC 320 Strength of Materials 3 MC 310
EN 221A Philippine Literature with Introduction to Literature 3 None
DS 315 Architectural Design 5 Lecture

(Space Planning 2 Lecture)

1 DS 224; DS 224L
DS 315L Architectural Design 5 Laboratory

(Space Planning 2 Laboratory)

3 DS 224; DS 224L
BT 313 Building Technology 3 Lecture

(Construction Drawing in Wood, Steel and Concrete 2 Lecture)

2 BT 222A; BT 222AL; BU 221
BT 313L Building Technology 3 Laboratory

(Construction Drawing in Wood, Steel and Concrete 2 Laboratory)

1 BT 222A; BT 222AL; BU 221
BU 312 Building Utilities 2

(Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Systems)

3 PC 225A; PC 225AL; BU 221
AT 313 History of Architecture 3 3 AT 222
PP 311 Professional Practice 1

(Laws Affecting the Practice of Architecture)

3 DS 224; DS 224L; BT 222A; BT 222AL; BU 221; AT 222; DS 222B
Total 22
Third year
Second semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
DS 326 Architectural Design 6 Lecture

(Site Development Planning and Landscaping Lecture)

1 DS 315; DS 315L
DS 326L Architectural Design 6 Laboratory

(Site Development Planning and Landscaping Laboratory)

3 DS 315; DS 315L
CE 411B Theory of Structures 3 MC 320
BT 324 Building Technology 4 Lecture

(Specification Writing and Quantity Surveying Lecture)

2 BT 313; BT 313L
BT 324L Building Technology 4 Laboratory

(Specification Writing and Quantity Surveying Laboratory)

1 BT 313; BT 313L
BU 323 Building Utilities 3

(Acoustics and Lighting System)

3 PC 225A; PC 225AL; BU 312
PP 322 Professional Practice 2

(Administering the Regular Services of the Architect)

3 PP 311
PL 321 Planning 1

(Site Planning and Landscape Architecture)

3 CE 213; CE 213L; NS 222
AT 324 History of Architecture 4 3 AT 313
Total 22

Fourth year
First semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
EN 213 Technical Writing 3 None
CE 419A Steel and Timber Design 3 CE 411B
DS 417 Architectural Design 7 Lecture

(Community Architecture and Urban Design Lecture)

1 PL 321; DS 326; DS 326L
DS 417L Architectural Design 7 Laboratory

(Community Architecture and Urban Design Laboratory)

4 PL 321; DS 326; DS 326L
GR 413 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Architecture 1 Lecture 1 VT 213A; VT 213AL
GR 413L Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Architecture 1 Laboratory 2 VT 213A; VT 213AL
BT 415 Building Technology 5 Lecture

(Alternative Building Construction Systems Lecture)

2 BT 324; BT 324L; CE 411B
BT 415L Building Technology 5 Laboratory

(Alternative Building Construction Systems Laboratory)

1 BT 324; BT 324L; CE 411B
PL 412 Planning 2

(Fundamentals of Urban Design and Community Architecture)

3 PL 321
Total 20
Fourth year
Second semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
GR 424 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Architecture 2 Lecture 1 GR 413; GR 413L
GR 424L Computer-Aided Design and Drafting for Architecture 2 Laboratory 2 GR 413; GR 413L
DS 428 Architectural Design 8 Lecture

(Design of Complex Structures Lecture)

1 DS 417; DS 417L; AR 421; PL 412
DS 428L Architectural Design 8 Laboratory

(Design of Complex Structures Laboratory)

4 DS 417; DS 417L; AR 421; PL 412
PL 423 Planning 3

(Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning)

3 PL 412
PP 423 Professional Practice 3

(Global Practice for the 21st Century)

3 PP 322
CE 421A Architectural Structures 3 CE 419A
AR 421 Research Methods for Architecture 3 DS 417; DS 417L; BT 324; BT 324L; CE 411B; AT 324; PL 321; PP 322; BU 323; EN 213
AR 400 Specialization 1* 3 DS 417; DS 417L
Total 23

Fifth year
First semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
PH 122A Philosophy of Man and Arts 3 None
HU 331 Humanities 3 None
SO 311A Society and Culture with Family Planning 3 None
PL 513A Housing 3 PL 412; PP 311
DS 519 Architectural Design 9 Lecture

(Thesis Research Writing Lecture)

1 DS 428; DS 428L; GR 424; GR 424L; PL 423; PP 423; CE 421A; AR 421
DS 519L Architectural Design 9 Laboratory

(Thesis Research Writing Laboratory)

4 DS 428; DS 428L; GR 424; GR 424L; PL 423; PP 423; CE 421A; AR 421
AR 400 Specialization 2* 3 DS 428; DS 428L
AR 513 Architectural Comprehensive Course 3 DS 428; DS 428L; GR 424; GR 424L; PL 423; PP 423; CE 421A; AR 421
Total 23
Fifth year
Second semester
Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
HI 311 Life and Works of Rizal 3 None
EC 121D Taxation and Agrarian Reform 3 None
PS 222 Philippine History with Politics and Governance New Constitution 3 None
DS 520 Architectural Design 10 Lecture

(Thesis Research Application Lecture)

1 DS 519; DS 519L
DS 520L Architectural Design 10 Laboratory

(Thesis Research Application Laboratory)

4 DS 519; DS 519L
AR 400 Specialization 3* 3 DS 428; DS 428L
Total 17

Code Subject Description Units Pre-Requisite(s)
PL 424 Community and Planning and Development 3 PL 412
PL 515 Urban Design Studio 3 PL 412; DS 417; DS 417L
PP 524 Construction Management 3 PP 423; BT 415; BT 415L
AP 500 Industry Immersion and Seminars 3
Architectural Comprehensive Courses: AR 513